Does anyone else fee like this right now, or is it just me?
We have one week left, actually 4 days until students and staff are out of school for spring break! How can it be? It seems to have gone by even faster this year than ever now that I have my own little one in kindergarten. Anyway, ready or not, we we get back from spring break it will be time to hit the road running as we prepare for the end of grade testing. Yes, like it or not, they will have to take EOG's. So, how do you keep your kids motivated to learning during those weeks? I used to be the drill and kill type and just practice question after question from eog type practice tests, but I quickly got burned out and bored as a teacher. Can you imagine how the students feel if this is what they do every day? If you are looking for fun motivational ways to keep your students engaged while at the same time practicing for their EOG's here are a few things I have tried in my room that are student and teacher approved!
5th Grade ELA Review
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